We are excited you’re considering joining our Pack and starting your Scouting Adventure with us.
Becoming a member is as easy as completing the following steps below.
After registering, you’ll receive emails with more information about your son or daughter’s den, a uniform shopping list, how to connect with the Pack, and more.
STEP 1: Complete an Online Application
Becoming a Cub Scout starts by completing a membership application. Membership applications are completed online through the BSA website. When you click on the button below, you will be taken to my.Scouting.org, where you will create an account for yourself (as an adult) and then complete the online application for your Scout.
A Note on the Registration Process:
You will need to create a BSA Scouting account as a part of the registration process. The BSA’s online application requires payment of nationally-mandated fees during registration. By default, your registration order will also include a Scout Life Magazine subscription through the year's end. You can opt out of receiving the magazine subscription by unchecking the box next to the line item. The online application process does not allow the Pack to include our additional annual fees in the checkout process, so you will still need to complete Step 2 of our registration process (see below) to pay the balance of these fees. STEP 2: Pay your Annual Dues
Our leaders work hard to keep the cost of our program low, and our annual dues are less than the cost of most sports in a single season. Paying your dues in this step covers the additional membership costs for our program.
For 2024-2025 the dues are:
National Dues: Payable through as a part of your initial registration.
$25 one-time joining fee for new program participants in Cub Scouts $15 for Scout Life magazine (optional) $150 for Pack 91 activities STEP 3: Submit a Health & Medical Form
We take the safety of our Scouts, their family members, and our leaders and volunteers very seriously. Our Leaders work hard to keep our Scouts and other program participants safe during our events, but sometimes injuries happen.
You should inform your unit leader of any condition that might limit your child’s participation.
All our Scouts must complete an Annual Health & Medical Form so that our Leaders have the information and authorization they need to address any health issues that may arise.
The form can be filled in electronically but requires a signature and a copy of your insurance card. When completing the form, be sure you:
Complete all sections of the document. Sign the form on Page 1 and 3 (if you’re authorizing our leaders to administer medication). Scan or photocopy your insurance card (see page 2). Submitting your Health & Medical Form
Bring a completed and signed Health & Medical Forms, along with a copy of your insurance card, to your first Pack or Den meeting and show these form(s) to your Den leader.
Please do not submit these forms online. Leaders will only review them in-person at meetings. Retain the file so that you can update it annually.
STEP 4: Gain access to our Private Site, download the Scouting App, and familiarize yourself with these Resources
The Pack is run by a bevy of volunteer parents who strive to ensure the continued quality of programming to which our Pack has become accustomed.
Visit our to: become familiar with these volunteers, review a detailed calendar for the upcoming year, see our Gallery of photos, and engage in our (you’ll need to request access) where you may purchase uniforms and other Scout-related items from Pack parents. The Scouting App provides quick access to details about your Cub’s advancement and awards, as well as upcoming Calendar events. Through the App, you may RSVP for events and may even fill out permission slips. is the system of record for Scouting. It has the same resources found in the Scouting App but is more full-featured and provides additional functionality. Visit our page for direct links to the Scouting app. STEP 5: Purchase Your Cub’s Uniform and
The on our website contain information about which uniforms you should purchase for your Cub. Navigate to your Cub’s “Rank” and look to those requirements. Uniform purchase information may be found on our “” page. Pack Adventure Shirts and other clothing is available . Please purchase at least one t-shirt for your Cub but feel free to purchase as many of these products as you would like. Long sleeve shirts, hoodies, and sweatshirts may be useful during the fall campout and overnight adventure. The blue shirts are meant to be purchased for Cubs and parents whereas the green shirts are meant to denote Pack leadership. STEPS 6 & 7: Complete these steps from our
Navigate to the Private Site in order to fill out Family Talent Survey and Photo Release forms.