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Pack 91 Popcorn

All Popcorn-related questions and requests may be made to the Pack 91 Fundraising Committee at: .

The Pack Ask.

Sign up for Trails End (even if you don't plan to sell this season);
Sell a Wagon Pack; and
Sign up for at least one Storefront (although you may now sign up for as many as you like).

Benefits to Your Cub and to the Pack.

The Reason.

Last year was our Pack's first year selling popcorn and, through popcorn funds, our Pack was able to purchase a new Pinewood Derby Track. We believe that we can continue to make significant improvements to our program with popcorn funds. So, we're back at it again and we need your help!

From the Parent's Perspective.

The exercise of selling a product is a great opportunity for the Cub to learn how to talk to new people, how to be polite, and how to have a sale turned down and take it in stride.

From the Scout's Perspective.

Many scouts who participate in selling popcorn find it to be a blast! Also, those who sell the most can win prizes! More on that below.

What Prizes Can My Cub Scout Get?

Trail's End Prizes. Trail’s End provides Scouts with points for every dollar they sell during their fundraiser and they get more points for credit card and online sales. Scouts can use these rewards to obtain hard-earned prizes via Amazon gift cards.
Council Prizes. Council Prizes begin with a popcorn patch at $100 of sales, and go up from there.
Pack Prizes.
At the end of the season, the top Pack SalesCubs will get to pick a prize from the Pack Prize table in order of number of sales (i.e. the top SalesCub will pick first, the second place SalesCub will pick next, and so on).
The top SalesCub from each den will earn a popcorn trophy.
The top-selling Den will get a pizza party!

Get Registered and Set-up

Sign Up for Trail’s End

You can sign up for a Trail’s End account here:
Once your account is created, use our unit code to connect your account to our unit. Please contact your Den Leader in order to get the unit code.

Download the Trail’s End App!

Whether a Cub Scout sells popcorn or not, the first step is to get them registered in Trail's End. Our Pack goal is to get every Scout registered in Trail's End so that, if the Cub Scout becomes inclined to sell popcorn, they can do so.
This app allows you to sign up for storefronts, take payment, and track your sales.

Sell a Wagon Pack

People are generous and you will be amazed at how high a success rate your Cub Scouts will have walking door to door. We ask that each returning Cub Scout try to sell at least one Wagon Pack. Please contact your Den Leader or Popcorn Liaison to secure a Wagon Pack.

Sign Up for a Storefront.

Storefronts are a fantastic experience as they help the Scouts learn to approach new people, learn social courtesies, and learn how to take a "no" with grace. We have lots of storefronts and need help filling them. While each Scout may now sign up for as many storefronts as they want, the ask is that each returning scout sign up for a minimum of one storefront.
To sign up for a storefront, download the Trail's End app, sign in, and click the "Storefront" icon at the bottom. Available dates will be filled in and, when you click on one, you can click on a shift and click, "Sign Up."

What’s a Popcorn Liaison?

Den Popcorn Liaisons are responsible, during one weekend, for helping to set up and take down storefronts, and distribute wagon packs to any families who might need them during that weekend. The weekends and corresponding Den Liaisons are shown below. You may sign up for storefronts on any weekend but might consider signing up for a storefront on your Den's weekend. You will receive a weekly update during popcorn season, which will show Pack sales leaders and the Popcorn Liaison's contact information for the upcoming weekend.

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