Uniforms & Gear
Pack 91 falls within the . You can get uniforms and other gear at their scouting store and headquarters, which are at: They are our local source for scouting uniforms and supplies, as well as camping, craft, and gift items. When you shop locally, 100% of your purchase supports Scouting here in Central Texas.
Purchasing your uniform here has a number of advantages:
They will help you pick out what you need and the shirts you purchase here will already have our Council badge sewn on. If you're willing to leave the Class A shirt, then they have a person who, for a fee, will sew on any needed patches. The wait time seems to be about 1-2 weeks. Online Shop - Scout Shop
You can also order uniforms online at the . What to Buy
Cub Scouts generally wear the blue uniform. Arrow of Light Scouts, who are in 5th grade, are the exception, as they wear the brown uniform.
While 4th grade Webelos are properly in the blue uniform, if you need to get a new uniform for your Scout who is in 4th grade, feel free to get a brown uniform.
Recommended gear at each den level:
. These can be purchased online at the provided link or you may be able to purchase a previous year’s activity shirt at a discount by speaking to a Leadership Member of our Pack. These are limited in quantity and sizes. Shorts/skorts and/or pants For more details, check out required gear by Rank at the appropriate page.